These modules on the Acceptable Solution C/AS2, for Building Code clause C – Protection from fire, has been developed to help users understand how to use and apply this Acceptable Solution. This module explains the scope of the C/AS2. It describes the different Risk Groups and how to determine the occupant load for an area.
Disclaimer MBIE
The information made available in the following courses is provided for general information purposes only. It does not in any way constitute the provision of professional advice. Readers should not act on the basis of this publication or any course material before obtaining professional advice. MBIE does not guarantee, and accept no legal liability whatsoever arising from or connected to, the accuracy, reliability, currency or completeness of any material contained in this course. The MBIE accepts no responsibility or liability for any damage, loss or expense incurred as a result of the reliance on information contained in this courses.
This module is not intended to be guidance under section 175 (S175) of the Building Act, and it not intended to replace the need to read C/AS2 in its entirety if C/AS2 is being used as a means of compliance.
This course has been designed with the sector professional in mind, it assumes that users should have some prior knowledge, understanding and experience in the practical application of the New Zealand Building Code. Particularly for Building Consent Officers and their supporting fire reviewers - who check that an application for a building consent complies with the Building Code (refer to the responsibilities of a Building Consent Authority under Building Act section 14F), Architects, architectural designers and fire engineers - who ensure that the plans, specifications and advice are in accordance with the requirements of the Building Code (refer to the responsibilities of a designer under Building Act section 14D)
15 - 20 minutes
How to complete
No completion required, read the course at your own pace.